Dr. Susan C. W. Abbotson

  • Professor

在英国利物浦郊外出生并长大, 1990年,阿博森教授冒险来到美国海岸,最终在1999年创建了esball官方网, where she has taught ever since. 同时,她还在学院开设并教授了各种课程, 她的主要研究领域是现当代戏剧. 他是研究阿瑟·米勒作品的权威esball官方网, 阿博森教授已经出版了三本书和许多关于这位影响深远的美国作家的文章. 她曾任阿瑟·米勒协会主席, currently serves on their board, and manages their website and FaceBook page. 她是正在进行的阿瑟米勒协会播客的第一位受访者,该播客于10月9日播出. 2020. She is also the Performance Editor for the Arthur Miller Journal他是讨论阿瑟·米勒和汤姆·阿什布鲁克作品的专家小组成员之一 On Point, NPR, 12 Feb.他被邀请在一些地区剧院和会议上谈论米勒. 阿博森教授还发表过关于田纳西·威廉姆斯等剧作家的文章, Sam Shepard, Thornton Wilder, Paula Vogel, Mae West, William Inge, August Wilson, and Eugene O’Neill, and the work of Director Ivo van Hove. 但她的研究兴趣不仅限于戏剧,还包括电影, Children’s and Adolescent Literature, The Short Story, Ethnic Literatures, 以及20世纪英美文学的大部分作品. She even published an essay on Wallace and Gromit! Her essay on This I Believe, Rhode Island. NPR于2012年7月25日播出,讲述了她看着自己的狗跑步时的快乐. Her latest published book was 现代美国戏剧:1950年代的剧本创作 (Methuen, 2019), 她还为米勒最著名的戏剧做了12部学生版本的系列编辑,她邀请了世界各地的作家来写这些戏剧,这些戏剧将于2022年出版.


B.A. Loughborough University

Postgraduate Cert. of Ed. Bristol University

M.A. State University of New York (Brockport)

Ph.D. University of Connecticut

Selected Publications

现代美国戏剧:1950年代的剧本创作. Methuen, 2019. (Also available electronically).  ISBN: 9781472571427

阿瑟·米勒的批判性伴侣:对他的生活和工作的文学参考. Facts on File, 2007. ISBN: 0816061947

Masterpieces Of 20th-century American Drama. Greenwood Press, 2005. (Also available electronically). ISBN: 0313332231[2007年出版的中文专版]

Thematic Guide to Modern Drama. Greenwood Press, 2003. (Also available electronically). ISBN: 0313319502

Student Companion to Arthur Miller. Greenwood Press, 2000. (Also available electronically). ISBN: 0313309493

理解一个推销员的死亡:一个学生案例书的问题,来源,和历史文件. With Brenda Murphy. Greenwood Press, 1999. (Also available electronically). ISBN: 0313304025

Also chapters have been published in 《贝博esball官方网站》, Julia Listengarten和Stephen Di Benedetto编辑,Cambridge UP, 2021年; 21世纪的阿瑟·米勒:他的戏剧和思想的当代观点. Eds. 斯蒂芬·马里诺和大卫·帕尔默,帕尔格雷夫,2020; Ivo van Hove: From Shakespeare to David Bowie. Eds. 苏珊·贝内特和索尼娅·马塞,布卢姆斯伯里梅休恩出版社,2018; Critical Approaches to The Crucible. Ed. Robert Evans, Salem, 2018; 桑顿·怀尔德合作:他的戏剧和小说论文集. Eds. Jackson R. Bryer, Judith P. Hallett, and Edyta K. Oczkowicz, Cambridge Scholars, 2018; Visions of Tragedy in Modern American Drama. Ed. David Palmer, Methuen, 2018; 《贝博esball官方网站》,纪念这位美国伟大剧作家诞辰100周年的随笔. Ed. Stephen Marino, Cambridge Scholars, 2017; Critical Approaches to Literature: Moral. Ed. Robert Evans, Salem, 2017; Arthur Miller's Collected Essays. Ed. Susan C. W. Abbotson, Penguin, 2016; The Truths We Uncover; The Truths We Wrestle: New Perspectives on August Wilson's Pittsburgh Cycle Plays. Ed. Sandra Shannon, McFarland, 2016; Text and Presentation: 2015. Ed. Graley Herren, McFarland, 2016; 参与的阶段:戏剧和表演1898-1949. Ed. Josh Polster, Routledge, 2015; 阿瑟·米勒戏剧学生手册: 《esball官方网》、《esball官方网》、《贝博esball官方网站》、《贝博esball官方网站》、《esball官方网》. Ed. Enoch Brater, Methuen, 2013; Contemporary American Dramatists. Eds. Martin Middeke, Matthew roudan和Peter Paul Schnierer, Bloomsbury Academic, 2014; Thornton Wilder: New Perspectives. Eds. Jackson Bryer和Lincoln Konkle,西北大学,2013年; Arthur Miller: Critical Insights. Ed. Brenda Murphy, Salem Press, 2011; Commentary and Notes for The Crucible. By Arthur Miller. Methuen Drama Student Edition. A&C Black, 2010; Tennessee Williams. Ed. Brenda Murphy, Salem Press, 2010; Arthur Miller. Ed. Harold Bloom, Chelsea House, 2007; Miller and Middle America. Ed. Paula Langteau,美国大学出版社,2007; The Critical Response to Arthur Miller. Eds. Steven R. Centola and Michelle Cirulli, Praeger, 2006; Arthur Miller: The Twentieth Century Legend. Ed. M. A. Syed, Surabhi Publications, 2006; The Cambridge Companion to Sam Shepard. Ed. Matthew Roudané, Cambridge UP, 2002; and 推销员有一个生日:纪念阿瑟·米勒的《esball官方网》50周年的文章. Ed. 史蒂夫·马里诺,美国大学出版社,2000年.

Also entries in 语境中的二十世纪和当代美国文学, ed. Linda De Roche, ABC-CLIO, 2021; Contemporary Literature Criticism Online. Ed. Lawrence TrudeauGale/Cengage, 2018; Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Routledge, 2016; Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature, Oxford UP, 2016; 牛津在线参考书目:美国文学. Ed. Jackson Bryer, Oxford UP, 2012; Encyclopedia of Broadway and American Culture. Ed. Thomas A. Greenfield, Greenwood Press, 2010; Heath Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Paul Lauter, Houghton Mifflin, 2006; Companion to American Drama. Eds. Jackson R Bryer and Mary C. Hartig, Facts on File, 2004; 剑桥儿童英文图书指南. Ed. 维克多·沃森,剑桥大学,2001年戏剧部分 教学资源:文学及其作者; 1st Ed. 安和萨姆·查特斯著,波士顿:贝德福德出版社,1997年. (第二版中关于戏剧和短篇故事的附加条目. Bedford, 2000).

Articles and reviews have appeared in Resources for American Literary Study; Thornton Wilder Society Newsletter; Eugene O'Neill Review; Arthur Miller Journal; Journal of American Drama and Theater; Laconics; Theatre Research International; Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies; The Arthur Miller Society Newsletter; Modern Drama; Papers: Explorations into Children's Literature; American Drama; South Atlantic Review; English Studies and Charles Lamb Bulletin.


ENGL 113 Approaches to Drama: Page to Stage
ENGL 120 Studies in Literature and Identity
ENGL 121 Studies in Literature and Nation
ENGL 123 Studies in Literature and Genre
ENGL 200 Reading Literature and Culture
ENGL 342 Studies in Drama
ENGL 460 Seminar In Major Authors & Themes: Williams and Miller
ENGL 525主题类型:现当代戏剧 
FYS 100第一年研讨会:休克治疗-戏剧作为抗议